
Monday 8 July 2013

Bhartuhari and Gopichand come in Jalabapa's ashram

Bhartuhari and Gopichand come in Jalabapa's ashram

In Samvat 1934 disastrous famine appeared. Without food-water men and women, and creatures without grasswater began to suffer. Then what of 'annakshetra'? There was great commotion in Jalabapa's ashram. Number of people lined up to dine. Jalabapa folded his hands and prayed to Thakor, "O Lord! Now please have mercy!" In his ashram there was Tida Bhagat who excelled in service. From morning he started to serve water to all. Once two bearded strong monks came crying Ahalek and sat in the shade of a tree. Jalabapa ran to them, folded hands and said, "welcome maharaj! How can I serve you? Dinner is ready." A monk said, "nothing at all. Only give us water." Bapa asked Tida Bhagat to bring water and gave it to them. Both yogis drank water, blessed Jala Bhagat and stood up. Bapa said, "Maharaj! Please come again!" in reply both smiled. Then Jala Bhagat told Tida Bhagat, "Tida! Did you recognize yogis?" "No, Bapa." You have served greatly in the famine. So I tell you. They are yogis Bhartuhari and Gopichand. They are going to Junagadh. Have their darshan from after but remain silent." "But Bapa how to recognize!" "It is raining now. But rain will not fall on them. They would be going dry." Tida Bhagat ran on the road to Junagadh. In no time he observed the two yogis. With faith Tida had their darshan, and returned. He told Jalabapa, "you are true. They were going but not getting wet. You have given me darshan of two immortal yogis and made my life successful.


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